One Health Award 2024

“Africa is a continent too vast to fully describe. It’s an ocean, a planet unto itself, a diverse and incredibly rich cosmos. Beyond its geographical designation, Africa does not truly exist”. After ten years of travel, journalist Ryszard Kapuscinski confessed to the inadequacy of every Western category when faced with the profound mystery of the so-called “Dark Continent.”

From the early explorations mapping the Nile and Congo to today’s demographic challenges, Africa has always been a “frontier.” It’s a center of geopolitical interest, a laboratory for sustainable development, a hotspot for humanitarian crises, and a petri dish for emerging diseases. It’s a unique place where the human-animal bond remains strong and environmental protection is becoming increasingly urgent. This complexity makes the One Health approach essential for monitoring zoonotic disease risks. The future of our planet hinges on this frontier: by 2050, it’s estimated that one-fifth of the global population—2.3 billion people—will live in sub-Saharan Africa.

This frontier is the focus of the 2024 One Health Award “Frontiera Africa” (Teramo, Oct. 11-13), which will explore it through various perspectives. As the One Health One Earth approach emphasizes, there is One Health for the entire planet, and the health of the world is deeply connected to the health of Africa.

The Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Abruzzo e del Molise (IZS) has been engaged in cooperative projects across Africa for years. Additionally, IZS promotes ERFAN – Enhancing Research for Africa Network, which links 19 partner countries and 37 institutions, including Central Veterinary Laboratories and Veterinary Faculties. From this experience, SILABFA (SILAB for Africa) was created—a laboratory diagnostic support system developed and maintained by IZS IT staff. Today, it is utilized by over 80 laboratories in 30 countries. Recent innovations include the PROVNA project, which monitors vector-borne diseases across ecoregions defined by similar climatic and environmental conditions, and MedNet, a program supporting Tunisian hospitals with diagnosis, sequencing, and data sharing on pathogens, with a special focus on antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

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Il One Health Award 2024 continua a celebrare la collaborazione tra scienza, società e politica, con la certezza che questa possa influire sul corso della storia sanitaria globale. 
Grazie a tutti i partecipanti, ospiti e premiati per aver condiviso la loro esperienza e ispirato una nuova generazione di scienziati e attivisti.

#OneHealthAward2024 #SaluteGlobale #Collaborazione

Il One Health Award 2024 continua a celebrare la collaborazione tra scienza, società e politica, con la certezza che questa possa influire sul corso della storia sanitaria globale.
Grazie a tutti i partecipanti, ospiti e premiati per aver condiviso la loro esperienza e ispirato una nuova generazione di scienziati e attivisti.

#onehealthaward2024 #saluteglobale #collaborazione
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2 months ago
Il Dr. John Nkengasong è stato anche Rappresentante Speciale per la Diplomazia Sanitaria. 
Al One Health Award 2024 abbiamo apprezzato il suo impegno nella gestione della salute globale, con un focus sullAIDS e altre malattie infettive. 
Il suo lavoro continua a migliorare la vita di milioni di persone nel mondo. 

#DiplomaziaSanitaria #JohnNkengasong

Il Dr. John Nkengasong è stato anche Rappresentante Speciale per la Diplomazia Sanitaria.
Al One Health Award 2024 abbiamo apprezzato il suo impegno nella gestione della salute globale, con un focus sull'AIDS e altre malattie infettive.
Il suo lavoro continua a migliorare la vita di milioni di persone nel mondo.

#diplomaziasanitaria #johnnkengasong
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2 months ago
Il Dr. Frate Rosario Iannetti, premiato al One Health Award 2024,ha dedicato la sua vita 
alla cura delle persone più vulnerabili del Sud Sudan. 

Fondatore dellOspedale Maria Immacolata a Mapuordit, 
è un simbolo di speranza e solidarietà per le comunità locali. 

 #RosarioIannetti #SudSudan #MissioneSanitaria

Il Dr. Frate Rosario Iannetti, premiato al One Health Award 2024,ha dedicato la sua vita
alla cura delle persone più vulnerabili del Sud Sudan.

Fondatore dell'Ospedale Maria Immacolata a Mapuordit,
è un simbolo di speranza e solidarietà per le comunità locali.

#rosarioiannetti #SudSudan #missionesanitaria
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3 months ago
Grazie agli studi del Dr. Heinrich Feldmann, il vaccino contro lEbola, Ervebo, ha salvato migliaia di vite.

Al One Health Award 2024 abbiamo celebrato il suo impegno per prevenire epidemie mortali e proteggere comunità vulnerabili. 
Il vaccino è ora uno strumento fondamentale per fermare la diffusione dell’Ebola. 

#HeinzFeldmann #Ebola #OneHealth

Grazie agli studi del Dr. Heinrich Feldmann, il vaccino contro l'Ebola, Ervebo, ha salvato migliaia di vite.

Al One Health Award 2024 abbiamo celebrato il suo impegno per prevenire epidemie mortali e proteggere comunità vulnerabili.
Il vaccino è ora uno strumento fondamentale per fermare la diffusione dell’Ebola.

#HeinzFeldmann #Ebola #OneHealth
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3 months ago
John Nkengasong - Un faro nella salute globale!

Il Dr. John Nkengasong, premiato al One Health Award 2024, ha dedicato la sua carriera a combattere disuguaglianze sanitarie globali. 

Tra le sue imprese pionieristiche: il primo laboratorio avanzato per lHIV in Costa dAvorio e la fondazione dell’African Journal of Laboratory Medicine. Grazie alla sua leadership, milioni di vite sono state salvate.

#JohnNkengasong #SaluteGlobale

John Nkengasong - Un faro nella salute globale!

Il Dr. John Nkengasong, premiato al One Health Award 2024, ha dedicato la sua carriera a combattere disuguaglianze sanitarie globali.

Tra le sue imprese pionieristiche: il primo laboratorio avanzato per l'HIV in Costa d'Avorio e la fondazione dell’African Journal of Laboratory Medicine. Grazie alla sua leadership, milioni di vite sono state salvate.

#JohnNkengasong #SaluteGlobale
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3 months ago
Erfan – Enhancing Research for Africa Network:

un network che unisce 19 Paesi e 37 istituzioni per lo sviluppo della salute pubblica e veterinaria: Erfan è una delle reti più importanti per promuovere la ricerca in Africa. 

🌍✨ Uno dei progetti  valorizzati durante il One Health Award 2024, l’ evento che celebra le migliori pratiche e innovazioni nel campo della salute globale:

#Erfan #CollaborazioneInternazionale #OneHealth

Erfan – Enhancing Research for Africa Network:

un network che unisce 19 Paesi e 37 istituzioni per lo sviluppo della salute pubblica e veterinaria: Erfan è una delle reti più importanti per promuovere la ricerca in Africa.

🌍✨ Uno dei progetti valorizzati durante il One Health Award 2024, l’ evento che celebra le migliori pratiche e innovazioni nel campo della salute globale:

#Erfan #CollaborazioneInternazionale #OneHealth
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3 months ago
Silab for Africa
Grazie all’esperienza dell’Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale, è nato Silab for Africa, un sistema diagnostico che supporta  oltre 80 laboratori in 30 Paesi africani. 

Questo progetto rappresenta un passo avanti fondamentale  per la salute pubblica globale, contribuendo a garantire diagnosi tempestive e accurate! 

🌍🔬 Uniti per un futuro più sano e sostenibile! 

#SilabForAfrica #Innovazione #OneHealthAward2024

Scopri di più su:

Silab for Africa
Grazie all’esperienza dell’Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale, è nato Silab for Africa, un sistema diagnostico che supporta oltre 80 laboratori in 30 Paesi africani.

Questo progetto rappresenta un passo avanti fondamentale per la salute pubblica globale, contribuendo a garantire diagnosi tempestive e accurate!

🌍🔬 Uniti per un futuro più sano e sostenibile!

#SilabForAfrica #Innovazione #OneHealthAward2024

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3 months ago
Progetto MEDNET 
Il 22 ottobre a Tunisi è partito il progetto “MEDNET 4OH” - una rete mediterranea per la salute globale! 🌍 ✨

Questo progetto, finanziato dall’Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo, punta a rafforzare la sorveglianza e il controllo delle malattie infettive con lapproccio integrato One Health. 

Al kick-off meeting di Mednet, a Tunisi, hanno presenziato figure chiave, 
tra cui lAmbasciatore d’Italia in Tunisia e rappresentanti dellOMS e del Ministero della Salute. Insieme, per un futuro più sano! 

hashtag#KickoffMeeting hashtag#AicsTunisi hashtag#OneHealth hashtag#IzsTeramo hashtag#Mednet4oh

Progetto MEDNET

Il 22 ottobre a Tunisi è partito il progetto “MEDNET 4OH” - una rete mediterranea per la salute globale! 🌍 ✨

Questo progetto, finanziato dall’Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo, punta a rafforzare la sorveglianza e il controllo delle malattie infettive con l'approccio integrato "One Health".

Al kick-off meeting di Mednet, a Tunisi, hanno presenziato figure chiave,
tra cui l'Ambasciatore d’Italia in Tunisia e rappresentanti dell'OMS e del Ministero della Salute. Insieme, per un futuro più sano!

hashtag#KickoffMeeting hashtag#AicsTunisi hashtag#OneHealth hashtag#IzsTeramo hashtag#Mednet4oh
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3 months ago
🎉 Grazie a tutti per One Health Award 2024! 🎉

Si è conclusa un’edizione straordinaria di One Health Award, e non possiamo fare a meno di esprimere la nostra gratitudine a tutti coloro che hanno reso possibile questo evento unico.

🙏 Grazie a voi partecipanti per la vostra dedizione e per il vostro impegno nel promuovere la salute globale in tutte le sue dimensioni. Le vostre idee, i vostri progetti e la vostra passione sono l’anima di questo evento!

Grazie a che ci ha seguito e sostenuto in ogni fase del percorso. La vostra partecipazione è fondamentale per alimentare il cambiamento che vogliamo vedere nel mondo.

Insieme, continuiamo a lavorare per un futuro più sano, sostenibile e inclusivo, dove la salute umana, animale e ambientale sono una sola cosa.

Alla prossima edizioneImage attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

🎉 Grazie a tutti per One Health Award 2024! 🎉

Si è conclusa un’edizione straordinaria di One Health Award, e non possiamo fare a meno di esprimere la nostra gratitudine a tutti coloro che hanno reso possibile questo evento unico.

🙏 Grazie a voi partecipanti per la vostra dedizione e per il vostro impegno nel promuovere la salute globale in tutte le sue dimensioni. Le vostre idee, i vostri progetti e la vostra passione sono l’anima di questo evento!

Grazie a che ci ha seguito e sostenuto in ogni fase del percorso. La vostra partecipazione è fondamentale per alimentare il cambiamento che vogliamo vedere nel mondo.

Insieme, continuiamo a lavorare per un futuro più sano, sostenibile e inclusivo, dove la salute umana, animale e ambientale sono una sola cosa.

Alla prossima edizione
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4 months ago
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One Health Award 2023

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Stefano Bertuzzi is the CEO of the American Society for Microbiology (ASM). He was a senior scientific executive at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the Office of the NIH Director. He also worked with the Obama White House to develop an information system to capture the benefits of scientific investments. Bertuzzi led the ASM’s efforts to address the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. This involved working directly with the White House COVID-19 Task Force, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to increase access to diagnostic testing supplies and address barriers to coronavirus testing. Bertuzzi wrote an editorial in the New York Times and mBio emphasising the need to support clinical laboratories to contain the pandemic.

Tg1 reporter

World Health Organization representative in Tunisia, professional with 30 years’ experience in health development and management in the UK, West Bank, Gaza, Egypt, Bulgaria, Lebanon, Philippines, Pakistan, Denmark and Gulf countries. He facilitated development, policy and health reform programs in collaboration with senior government officials.

UNICEF officer in Gulf countries; immunization officer for Denmark; health and nutrition director for UNICEF Pakistan. Senior advisor at EU; deputy director Institute for International Development at Harvard University; senior advisor at Department for International Development.

Alessio Lorusso is a virologist and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Abruzzo e del Molise ‘Giuseppe Caporale’.His research interests include surveillance, genome manipulation and biological characterisation of viruses of public health interest.

As Director General of Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Abruzzo e del Molise (IZS-Teramo), is responsible for the planning, management, technical-scientific coordination and control of IZS-Teramo activities, dealing with managerial and technical problems in veterinary public health, in the sectors of animal health and welfare, food safety and environmental protection. He oversees research, cooperation and technical assistance activities in Italy and abroad.

He coordinates and assumes responsibility for regional and national Reference Laboratories and Centers, as well as FAO, Food Agricolture Organisation, and WOAH, World Organisation Animal Health, Collaboration Centers established at IZS-Teramo.

Francesca Parisella is a journalist and RAI presenter. On television she hosts “Elisir”, a historical medical-scientific information programme on air from Monday to Friday on Rai3. On the radio on Radio2, she hosts “Radio2 in un’ora”, an infotainment programme broadcast on Saturdays and Sundays, and on Isoradio “Radici”, a late-week appointment to discover Italian excellence.

A co-founder of Forza Italia party, he was first elected to the European Parliament in 1994. In 2008, he held the positions of Commissioner for Transport and Vice-President of the European Commission. In 2017, he was elected President of the European Parliament. Following the end of his term, he became Vice-President of the European People’s Party and took on the role of Vice-President and sole Coordinator of Forza Italia, of which he is now the National Secretary. Since October 2022, he has been Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in the Italian Government.

Giovanna Barba Spaeth is the head of the group FlavImmunity at the Institut Pasteur and the coordinator of the EU HORIZON project, Yellow4FLAVI. She completed her undergraduate studies in Biological Sciences in Italy (University of Palermo) and moved to Germany (University of Mainz) to pursue a PhD in Immunogenetics. For her postdoctoral training she moved to France (Necker Hospital, Paris) and USA (Washington University, St. Louis). She worked at Rockefeller University, New York in the laboratory of Charlie Rice to study Hepatitic C virus and yellow fever virus. In 2005 she joined the laboratory of Felix Rey at Institut Pasteur Paris.

Dr. Barba Spaeth is a molecular and structural virologist passionate about viruses, particularly Flaviviruses. The main ambition of her research group is to understand virus immunogenicity from a structural perspective, with particular attention to new emerging viruses.

Sylvain Brisse is Professor at Institut Pasteur and heads the research Unit Biodiversity and Epidemiology of Bacterial Pathogens. He is also the Director of the two French National Reference Centers in charge of the microbiological surveillance of diphtheria and of whooping cough. He also manages the BIGSdb-Pasteur platform for the genomic taxonomy of bacterial strains.

His research interests include the population biology, genomics and evolution of pathogenic microbial species, and their applications to epidemiological surveillance, diagnostics and public health. He aims to understand bacterial emergence driven by antimicrobial resistance or vaccine escape, and to track the global and cross-sector dissemination of bacterial sublineages and their genetic elements. He also develops strain nomenclature systems that are intended to facilitate international communication on bacterial sublineages.

His main focus is on the multidrug resistant pathogen Klebsiella pneumoniae, on Bordetella pertussis and on Corynebacterium diphtheriae, and other phylogenetically related pathogens.

Centorotola Gabriella, graduated in Food Science and Technology at the University of. Since 2014, she has been working at the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Abruzzo e del Molise “G. Caporale” (IZS Teramo) and she is involved as Researcher in the Food Hygiene Unit activities, in particular food and environmental samples analysis for the microbial detections and enumerations, according to validated and accredited standard methods.
Since 2017, she is also involved in the Italian National Reference Laboratory for Listeria
monocytogenes activities, related to Listeria monocytogenes strains collection and molecular and genomic characterization through PCR and real-time PCR methods and whole genome sequencing (WGS).
She is also involved in research projects, inter-laboratory proficiency test and national and international training activities, as speaker.

Head of the Statistics and GIS Unit of the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Abruzzo e del Molise “G. Caporale” (IZS Teramo). She leads the activities required by the National and International Reference Centers operating at the Institute. Her research focus is on epidemiological analytical methods and spatial epidemiology of major animal infectious diseases, including zoonoses, and on the identification of factors influencing the spread and persistence of vector borne diseases. Her team develops web-based GIS providing near-real time surveillance and modeling tools to share and analyse animal disease data and information. Recent interests are on the integration of remoted sensed data and deep learning methods to produce early warning systems for preventing and controlling, emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases. She is member of the One Health High Level Expert Panel Term II, the scientific and strategic advisory group to the Quadripartite organizations (FAO, UNEP, WHO, WOAH) – in their collaboration on One Health.

Medical Doctor, Chief Laboratory of Virology, and the Chief Scientist of the BSL4 Laboratories at the Rocky Mountain Laboratories, NIAID, NIH and a Faculty Affiliate with the University of Montana. He is the laboratory expert on high containment pathogens and serves as a consultant on emerging viruses for the World Health Organization. He has field experience and expertise in outbreak management. His research interest is in the pathogenesis and transmission of emerging viral pathogens, and the development of countermeasures against those pathogens. His major scientific achievements of public health significance are the design and foundation of on-site mobile laboratory support, the establishment of diverse animal disease models, and the development of treatments (e.g. antibodies, polymerase inhibitors) and vaccines (e.g. VSV-EBOV) for emerging/re-emerging viral pathogens.

Monica Maggioni is Editorial Director for the Information Offering of Rai Italian Radio and Television.
She hosts the programs In mezz’ora and Newsroom (Rai 3 and Raiplay).

She was Director of TG1 from November 2021 to June 2023, the first woman to hold this position within the news outlet.
A journalist, special correspondent, writer, documentary filmmaker, and anchor-woman, she was President of Rai from August 2015 to July 2018 and CEO of Rai Com from February 2019 until May 2020.

A photographer and filmmaker, he has spent years working across Africa and the Middle East. Specializing in war reporting, documentaries, and podcasts, he is also an accomplished television writer and has collaborated with numerous international television networks, radio stations, and magazines. Among his many publications is “Confessions of a Human Trafficker,” a book that has been released in various countries worldwide. He teaches at the Catholic School of Journalism and in the Master’s program at Radio 24. Since 2019, he has been the host of “Nessun Luogo è Lontano (No Place is Far Away),” the only international news program that seamlessly blends field reporting with studio production.

One of Italy’s leading and most renowned experts on international politics, he is the Director of ASERI (Alta Scuola di Economia e Relazioni Internazionali), which he co-founded over 20 years ago. He serves as a full professor of International Relations at the Catholic University of Milan. As a columnist for Il Foglio, he is a prominent voice in debates on various television and radio programs.

He has worked for more than 20 years on RNA viruses, including influenza and coronaviruses, and has published more than 140 peer-reviewed publications. His research has been supported by the NIH/NIAID Centers of Excellence for Influenza Research and Surveillance/Response since 2007, as well as Singapore (NMRC, MOE) and international (NIH/NIAID, DOD, Gates Foundation) grants. He currently supervises a staff of 18 researchers focusing on human respiratory viruses, emerging infectious diseases, and veterinary pathogens.

Veterinary epidemiologist working since 2022 as the Technical Lead for Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) and other novel coronaviruses at the World Health Organization (WHO) in its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. She obtained her PhD in Parasitology and International Animal Health from the Free University in Berlin, Germany and an MSc in Veterinary Epidemiology and Public Health from the Royal Veterinary College in London, UK.

From 2004 to 2022 Dr von Dobschuetz worked for the Animal Health Service of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to support countries in early warning, early detection, and the prevention and control of infectious animal diseases, with a focus on zoonoses such as avian influenza, Rift Valley fever, Ebola, MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2. She also developed methodologies and tools for qualitative One Health risk assessment at the animal-human-environment interface, alongside WHO and the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH).

Graduated as a Veterinary Doctor in 1990. Joined the Department of Veterinary Services as a Veterinary Research Officer at the Central Veterinary Laboratory in 1992. Was responsible for running the National Herd Health program, Mastitis and Brucellosis (CA) control schemes as from 1992 to 1998.

Specialized in Veterinary Microbiology and attained a Doctorate Degree in 2006. Appointed Chief Veterinary Research Officer in 1998 and spearheaded national Animal Health Research until he became the Deputy Director, Veterinary Services responsible for Laboratory Diagnostics and Research in 2007.

In 2020 was appointed Director, Department of Veterinary Technical Services responsible for Veterinary Public Health, Dairy Services, Veterinary Laboratory Diagnostic Services, Animal Health Research and Veterinary Epidemiology and Informatics. Tone of his major successes as Deputy Director was the production of three (3) Tick-Borne Diseases (TBDs) in Zimbabwe, especially the resuscitation of the production and distribution of the BOLVAC Theileriosis Vaccine.

Clarinetist and saxophonist, composer and arranger. A clarinet graduate, he furthered his studies with American musician Bob Wilber. He attended Bill Smith’s workshops. In the New York area, he has worked and recorded alongside musicians such as Kenny Davern, Bob Wilber, Al Casey, Toots Thielemans, George Masso, Dan Barrett, Scott Hamilton, Ken Peplowski, Dick Sudhalter, Bill Crow, Bill Smith, Tony Scott, Leonard Gaskin, Frank Vignola, Howard Alden, Joe Ascione, Evan Christopher, Randy Sandke, and Rossano Sportiello, among others, participating as a special guest at concerts of the Sidney Bechet Society. Since 1992 he has been the clarinettist and saxophonist in Paolo Conte’s band with whom he has played in the most important concert halls (Olympia, Salle Pleyel, Royal Albert Hall, Berlin Philharmonie, Chicago Symphony Hall, Montreux Jazz Festival, North Sea Jazz Festival, Jazz Fest Wien, Festival International Jazz Barcelona, Nice Jazz Festival, JVC Jazz Festival N.Y., Umbria Jazz, etc.). He is mentioned in the ‘Dictionary of Jazz’ (‘Dictionnaire du jazz’) by P.Carles, A. Clergeat, J.Louis Comolli, 2008 A. Mondadori. Velotti has also developed his compositional vein in numerous soundtracks, commercials for television and film: he has collaborated with E. Morricone, N. Piovani, A. Trovajoli, among others. He taught jazz saxophone at the ‘L.D’Annunzio’ Conservatory in Pescara and jazz clarinet at the ‘A.Casella’ Conservatory in L’Aquila.