One Health Award Report

The report of the first “One Health Award” conference held in Teramo from 14 to 16 October 2022 is available here

For a long time it was thought that the safety of humanity was in protecting themselves from nature; then that it was in distancing oneself from nature.

But right now we are reaching the awareness that our health-safety is with nature, indeed it consists in the safety of nature itself.

This is why ONE HEALTH AWARD (OHA) was born, a three-day event (14-15-16 October 2022) promoted in Teramo by the IZS.

OHA People

One Health Award

Scholars, opinion makers, representatives of institutions, protagonists of culture and entertainment will bring to the center of attention the urgent need for a change of mentality and perspective


Read and download the PDF program of the events: we are waiting for you in Teramo, from 14 to 16 October 2022.


The One Health Award prizes event, for national and international research excellences, will be the highlight of the three days of OHA.


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